What we do

Our in-depth analysis of the complex and fast-changing business environment has equipped us with ways and means to provide relevant actionable insights and specific programs customized for each client. We also strive to measure the tangible benefits that our clients gain through our services.

If your company is planning to enter a new vertical or facing growth challenges or require a deep understanding of the current vertical, BizVolatus can provide relevant and actionable insights and guide you to put into practice the right business and marketing decisions.

Our methodology includes the core Business Growth Services we offer:

  • Business Monitors
  • Market Outreach Services

a.   Business Monitors

Business Monitors is a customized, packaged annual subscription service which provides you with relevant insights on key challenges faced by your target CXO’s. These insights help you identify relevant business issues faced by your target accounts/markets, identify trigger events that could accelerate your sales cycles and create clear advantage for you in the sales process.

Market Monitors

Market Monitors

What do we offer

  • Deep Secondary Research into the Target Market (Country/Region)
  • Key target companies by verticals
  • Industry Growth, Macro-Economic Indicators
  • Market Trigger Events
  • SWOT, PESTLE Analysis
  • Key Trends - Growth Drivers and Inhibitors


  • Solution Specific KPI framework
  • Market Estimation Model

Who should look at this

Any organization:

  • Facing growth challenges pertaining to a market
  • Expanding their market footprint
  • Interested to design and launch timely campaigns in response to the trigger events

Industry Monitors

Industry Monitors

What do we offer

  • Deep Secondary Research into the Target Industry Vertical
  • Key target companies and their financial performances
  • Vertical Industry Growth, Macro-Economic Indicators
  • Market Trigger Events
  • SWOT , PESTLE Analysis
  • Key Trends- Growth Drivers and Inhibitors


  • Solution Specific Indicators
  • Market Estimation Model

Who should look at this

Any organization:

  • Interested in planning their strategy to enter a new vertical
  • Facing growth challenges in an existing vertical
  • Selling a vertical solution and is keen to understand the details of that space
  • Interested to design and launch timely campaigns in response to the trigger events

Account Monitors(R)

Account Monitors(R)

What do we offer

  • Deep Secondary Research into the Target Accounts
  • Growth, Operational Metrics and Key Business Challenges
  • Management Focus, Growth Strategy, Profitability Improvement Strategies
  • Business Performance and Financial Performance
  • Industry Benchmarks, Competitive Benchmarks
  • Market Trigger Events
  • Solution Specific KPI framework

Who should look at this

Any organization

  • Interested in getting deeper understanding of their key target accounts in order to gain the mindshare of CXOs
  • Interested in increasing the share of wallet of their key accounts in order to up-sell in to the CXOs
  • Interested in designing and launching pro-active campaigns in order to align their solutions to Business Challenges that keep CXOs awake at night

b.   Market Outreach

Market Outreach Services is a collaborative effort using a 2-4 step Structured Campaign with a verifiable outcome involving digital and telephonic interface with the Target Market to identify growth opportunities. This service is primarily targeted at companies who are interested in having a better understanding of their target markets and broaden their B2B base. The improved understanding of the market achieved by this service enables companies refine their range of services, communicate Business Value, draw new customers, and achieve consistent business growth.

What do we offer

  • Collaboratively (with the Client) design a 2 - 4 stage Market Outreach Campaigns targeted at the CXO level. Devise a programmatic approach to open up new opportunities
  • Combination of digital and telephonic interface with the market
  • Use Solution Selling Concepts
  • Generate initial interest (Semi-Qualified) through a programmatic approach

Who should look at this:

Any organization:

  • Interested in building trust with their target companies at the CXO level rather than just trying to get an appointment
  • Interested in increasing in building a sustainable program through building business value rather than “product selling”
  • Interested in opening up high quality opportunities